August 2, 2006

My wonderful weekend in Florida

I don't have a whole lot of time at the moment, but I'd like to quick recap on my fab week in P-cola.

1. My parents stopped by on their way home from my aunt's house on tuesday and wednesday(on their way to my sister's house in Clearwater). It was great to see them.

2. I got to go out on the boat, which I've coined(Steph's mom approved): The Pink Honey

3. Golfing with Dr. Bob Frank. He's a fantastic instructor, yet his golfing... he's good though.

4. Winging ceremony/party. I don't dissapoint(see pictures 1-3 below)

5. A fundraiser for cherity party that Steph was in charge of decorations. She went above and beyond in my opinion. The auction was fun, the food was delish and the comedian was a southern speaking asian. Odd to listen to and also quite funny. (See last 3 pics)

6. Pirates of the Carribean part 2 and Moulan Rouge with my dear PJB.

7. A fab dinner over Nikki and Jeremy's. The dogs were our entertainment(All 6 of them, though only 3 were theirs). Nikki's 2 new dogs are mini chiwawas. Bless their hearts.

8. I love my PJB.

That's the highlights. My school starts tomorrow. Soooooooo..... goodnight.

1 comment:

stephie1010 said...

yaaaay you are so cute! and you beat me to blogging! aaaaah!

i love you so much. we are too funny and perfect and amazing.