August 28, 2006

Everybody's workin for the weekend

Quite a few highlights of the "extended" weekend for the FASO crew. We had no class friday because of the command picnic, so of course it was ON. Like Donkey Kong.

The afternoon started with getting pumped up before the nights festivities, so like any rational male, we decided to drink and lift weights. On Nick's deck. Talk about ridiculous. We followed that up with a walk to my house for some Polish Blowout and fun dancing. Nick unfortunately decided to take a nap on the couch, which ultimately led to a fine T-bagging. I have no problems taking the glory for that. It was my pleasure.

80's party, yet again. This time more people were able to go, and we came with more 80's garb. I decided on a pair of blue and white flash pants(if that's what you call them) and a wilson's tennis zip up. I must say I was a bit flash dance. I was thoroughly impressed by the crew's dress as well. We came to rock, and rock is what we did. Nice work peeps.

And yet again, friday was broughten. There was the FASO picnic with large amounts of pork and a small amount of Tug O War. As the anchor of the team, I brought our team 2 wins against a brawny enlisted squad. What can I say, I eat me spinach.

Friday night at the brown, enough said. I had a blast which is all you need to know. Oh and Josh had over a 200 dollar bar tab. What a shot whore. We love him for it.

Saturday was recovery followed by the Prowler ball, which was an enormous amount of fun. The theme was SNL and each squadron had their own booth where they served drinks and jello shots gallor. The coolest things I saw was a flip cup table and an actual river of alcohol. How amazing. If I hadn't realized it yet, I am going to like the Prowler community. Still in our chokers, we took the party to the Brown. And we did.

6 AM I get woken up by Eric yelling for me to get my drooling mug ready for some deep sea fishing. Somewhat startled, I then get confused to find myself with my uniform still on and laying sideways on top of Candice's bed. I surmise at that time it was too hard to climb a few flight of stairs to my room. My instincts also told me that Candice wasn't coming home that night, so why not take that ticket of convenience?

Back to the 6 AM, we somehow got me out of the house and over to the marina, only to realize that we didn't have our fishing licenses, beer, or check books to pay the man. The man himself wasn't even ready to go, so we opted out of the charter, and retired back to our abodes. I enjoyed my own bed this time. Later Sunday we hung out over the Compound(Eric, Marcus and Will's house) for a freezing swim to the buoy and back, and some crabbing. We saw a seal, the neighborhood dog(PJB seems to think it's a Retriever/Chow mix) and Waiting on DVD(my first time, laugh attack city). The conclusion of a fine weekend, yet again.

This place does not disappoint. Which is perfect because neither do I. What a fab duo.

Speaking of, heard that PJB maybe coming a day earlier. What delight. I'm already exciting she's coming on Thursday. I have so much to do, so little time. I pray I don't miss anything.

I plan on doing another entry before the coming of the most fabulous person in my world. After that, probably not again until Wednesday. Chao.

1 comment:

stephie1010 said...

aaaaahhhh i am so so so so excited. you look hot with those dumbbells...rrreeeaaarrrr!!

love the outtie for the 80s night. classic.