November 27, 2006

It was a Delight!

Look at these views!

Last night I sadly made my goodbye hugs and kisses(and some more hugs... and kisses ;) and flew back from the wonderful P-cola. I had a fine thanksgiving with my Siggy(significant other) and her family. Also spent some time with my family and friends and her family's friends at her engagement party. It's so funny, a lot of her family friends have sons and daughters getting married in the next year and I've seen a lot of them in the past 6 months. It's like I'm buddy buddy with a lot of the fathers, and some of them have quite a sense of humor. I also got to meet some of the lady's friends from school, what a fantastic bunch. We all ended up going to Seville Q. after the party had subsided, and danced like superstars. Then a little Awful Waffle to end the most excellent night. As a side, Brooksy, one of the baber's friends came back from his drive home to bama to return baber's coat and preceded to give us a ride home, a decent amount of min. out of his way. What a good friend!

The rest of the weekend was a lot of qt, just what we needed. I was sad to leave but happy to see her again in 3 weeks. I am looking forward.

On to the crappy drive back. Pretty much everything went smoothly, I got my car in good time, and got a little lost trying to get onto the highway. This is when things went awry. I started hearing this whighing noise from the back of the car, and got higher pitched with speed. The steering wasn't compromised and I didn't see any smoke so somewhat dismissed it. Then it got really loud and the car started moving differently. Turns out I blew a tire, the same tire that my mechanic warned me about. My bad, I was supposed to get new tires a few thousand miles ago. So sue me.

Changed the tire, got home at an awful 4AM west coast time. It took me 5 minutes to get up the road I live on(only a few hundred feet) because nobody plowed the roads in Skyline. I finally got up my driveway, and had a bad feeling about the traction since there was snow on the driveway. My thoughts were correct and I watched as my car swiftly slid down my driveway into the road. I had reservations about parking in the street, but looking out now it seems that we aren't really a priority to plows(still snow on the road).

They ended up closing the base, and I got to sleep in(yay!) I spent the remainder bumming around and wanting to get tires on my car. At this point in my blog, you will see my text to abruptly end so I can accomplish that.

Enjoy my pictures!

1 comment:

stephie1010 said...

wow!!! gorgy pictures my dear. love the new nicker for me...i quite identify with siggy!!!

hope today is just as wonderful as you are! mwah!