August 21, 2006

Better late than never I always say...

Here's some pics that I had taken over the past few days, starting in reverse back to thursday . I never did get any pictures from the 80's party in Bellingham, but I would say I got most of the highlights of the weekend.

Monday(today): Biking Cranberry Lake with Nick and Eric.

Saturday night: The Brown Lantern, where roomy Candice was a riot. And Eric too.

Saturday: Hiked up the Northern Cascades, we got to see Doubtful Lake. There were many other trails in the area, so we'll be coming back again. Don't you worry your little head.

some of the scenery from the northern cascades. This really was a treat of a trip.

Friday night and Sat. morning: The campsite had a river along it, the (King) Salmon were huge! Another type of Samon is going in season soon and I've just got my fishing liscense. What timing...

Thursday day: 2nd time biking Cranberry Lake area. In trying a different route, we got lost in eastern anacortes... We eventually got back, and ended up biking for 2 hours. Too much fun though.

So far, this area is kicking butt and I'm having a super time. Unfortunately I can't share it with my best friend. I feel like I'm always missing something(or someone) in every event here. The slight sensation of emptiness in everything fun I do does not sit well with me.

However, there is something that is beneficial about having a distance relationship. When I do eventually see her, it will be like the first time again. It will be soooo glorious. Making every minute apart that much more worth it. That's what I'm looking forward to. Until then...

I hope this weather lasts through Labor day and beyond. Goodnight.


stephie1010 said...

holy crap babes...doubtful lake is AMAZING! so gorgy. i love it i love it i love it!

and i love you! can't wait to see you sooners...and it'll be even better than the first time!

i miss you!

stephie1010 said...

ps-i hope the weather lasts too!

my life feels empty without you...