June 20, 2006


So what am I doing here? The Navy conveniently made SERE training (Survival evasion Resistance Escape) between my winging and my next squadron training. And just as convenient is that it is held in San Diego. I really couldn't be more pleased though. This city is fantastic. The info I'm learning now is confidential, so if I told you... well... I'd have to tickle you to death and nobody likes that. So let's not get gruesome, and we'll move on.

I'm staying with my old buddy from flight school. Well actually I knew him from college, Justin Echoffe. We were in NROTC together, although he was a year ahead of me. He's in SH-60 training, and he's got a great apartment close to downtown with his girlfriend. They live in Hillcrest, which is the gay section of town. That not only means FABULOUSSSSSS, but also means great eats, and you know I gots to have my eats. Thursday night we went out for really cheap Sushi, and it was FANTASTIC. Sporting an also fantastic hangover the next day, we opted to eat in friday, and I had leftovers on Sat(booo. actually very tasty but not interesting in the least). Sunday we went out to The Hash House A Go Go, new American cuisine that uses "fresh" ingredients. They also should have added "a butt load" in front of "fresh" because the plates were the size of a turkey platter and they were stacked like sky scrapers. Sooooo good. I had sage fried chicken which was on top of bacon infused, belgium style waffles. Justin had crab cakes, also ginormous and delectable. Laura(forgot to mention, Justin's G/F) had fried shrimp the size of small lobsters and on top of some of the best tasting veges I've ever had. All in all, not such a bad representation of San Diego cuisine.

Ok Billy boy's tired. Goodnight patrons.

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