June 19, 2006

"Don't do that clock" AKA "Silly clock games...."

The title refers to a Dane Cook stand up where he wakes up late for work like 8 hours late. Such is my blog activity prior to this one. You'll have to thank PJB for my meraculous comback in Billy's blog revival. My first entry was but a shooting star, bright and shinny but fizzled out into the darkness. Such was most of the subject material, so I'm scratching it and starting anew. Clean slate as you will.

Where to start. PJB and I have been apart for hmmm let me see, 8 days six hours and 21 minutes. The minutes aren't right, but you get the point. I have traveled almost coast to coast, Pensacola FL to San Diego CA in 5 days, without A/C for 4 of them. To my luck, it broke in Tyler TX, 2 hours prior to Dallas, which was 101 degrees. Not so fun. Despite my setback, I did get to see some favorites, such as the Pentrafied Forest national Park and the Grand Canyon. Both were definately worth it and I recommend all to see these national treasures. Pictures are soon to come when I get set up in my new pad. Oh yes my friends, Candice Pedraza (my new roomy) took some house hunting leave(free leave for the Navy) to find our pad in Whidbey Island, WA. She did a way better job than I would ever have, since she saw probably close to a dozen houses and I would have given up after some of the initial nastiness that she had to deal with realitors. What a nightmare. Anyways, the place sounds fantastic, and I'll be taking care of the paperwork while I'm in Diego, doing what I'm doing here. And what am I doing here friends? I will tell you what I'm doing here. TOMORROW! (dun dun duuuuunnnnn!)

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