June 22, 2006

Last night of freedom

Tomorrow I have my field training. It is going to suck. I decided that after I got back from school today that I would have a few cocktails and watch the Americans lose to the Ghanians. Afterwards, we went to a pizza place downtown. The atmosphere was very Diego, with lounge chairs not far from the floor of a warehouse style restaurant. The pizzas were huuuuge. Granted, they weren't NYC style, but tasty all the same. A good last dinner before my fate in the desert.

I had my last convo with PJB tonight. I well prepared her for the week at hand, although I have some reservations whether she can handle not talking to me for a week... JOKING. She is way busy and is having a love hate relationship with cheer camp. Work is also stressing her out, she has like 8 jobs at Baptist Hospital. Baptist, by the way, is competing for the Fortune 500's top 100 companies to work for. Pretty good huh? What's cooler is my shmooper is in charge of writing the application! It's due by the end of July, and it gets her a little frazzled sometimes from the stress. It's pretty cute.

It will be my thoughts of her that will help me get through this ordeal. After all, she's in my happy place.

June 21, 2006

Such funions

The more I'm exposed to my soon destiny of sere training(loosing 20 pounds and gaining black and blue marks) the more I think this is going to be a fun ride. I learned a great deal today, and I'm actually getting pretty pumped about field training. Hopefully my enthusiam will make the time less sucky.

On another note, I've made my security deposit and background check payment for my apt. in Whidbey. I'm quite excited that I'll have a "home" when I arrive at my final destination of this long and arduous journey. I'm even more excited that I'm picking up a drifter in San Fransico, and she'll be staying with me for the duration of my travels, and then some. The plan is to stay with her family in Frisco, and then hit up a few places on the way up(wine country, Seattle, parks, peep shows, you know... the CIRCUIT). It makes me so happy to know she'll be with me. Speaking of my PJB, she's currently in Cheerleading camp coaching her jv girls in Alabama. I feel like I'm filling in for her while she's out. She hasn't been to a computer since the camp, and it's delightful to know that she can't wait to get to one to check out my blogg. I have a fan....(single tear)

I miss her muchly. She is my life blood.

June 20, 2006


So what am I doing here? The Navy conveniently made SERE training (Survival evasion Resistance Escape) between my winging and my next squadron training. And just as convenient is that it is held in San Diego. I really couldn't be more pleased though. This city is fantastic. The info I'm learning now is confidential, so if I told you... well... I'd have to tickle you to death and nobody likes that. So let's not get gruesome, and we'll move on.

I'm staying with my old buddy from flight school. Well actually I knew him from college, Justin Echoffe. We were in NROTC together, although he was a year ahead of me. He's in SH-60 training, and he's got a great apartment close to downtown with his girlfriend. They live in Hillcrest, which is the gay section of town. That not only means FABULOUSSSSSS, but also means great eats, and you know I gots to have my eats. Thursday night we went out for really cheap Sushi, and it was FANTASTIC. Sporting an also fantastic hangover the next day, we opted to eat in friday, and I had leftovers on Sat(booo. actually very tasty but not interesting in the least). Sunday we went out to The Hash House A Go Go, new American cuisine that uses "fresh" ingredients. They also should have added "a butt load" in front of "fresh" because the plates were the size of a turkey platter and they were stacked like sky scrapers. Sooooo good. I had sage fried chicken which was on top of bacon infused, belgium style waffles. Justin had crab cakes, also ginormous and delectable. Laura(forgot to mention, Justin's G/F) had fried shrimp the size of small lobsters and on top of some of the best tasting veges I've ever had. All in all, not such a bad representation of San Diego cuisine.

Ok Billy boy's tired. Goodnight patrons.

June 19, 2006

"Don't do that clock" AKA "Silly clock games...."

The title refers to a Dane Cook stand up where he wakes up late for work like 8 hours late. Such is my blog activity prior to this one. You'll have to thank PJB for my meraculous comback in Billy's blog revival. My first entry was but a shooting star, bright and shinny but fizzled out into the darkness. Such was most of the subject material, so I'm scratching it and starting anew. Clean slate as you will.

Where to start. PJB and I have been apart for hmmm let me see, 8 days six hours and 21 minutes. The minutes aren't right, but you get the point. I have traveled almost coast to coast, Pensacola FL to San Diego CA in 5 days, without A/C for 4 of them. To my luck, it broke in Tyler TX, 2 hours prior to Dallas, which was 101 degrees. Not so fun. Despite my setback, I did get to see some favorites, such as the Pentrafied Forest national Park and the Grand Canyon. Both were definately worth it and I recommend all to see these national treasures. Pictures are soon to come when I get set up in my new pad. Oh yes my friends, Candice Pedraza (my new roomy) took some house hunting leave(free leave for the Navy) to find our pad in Whidbey Island, WA. She did a way better job than I would ever have, since she saw probably close to a dozen houses and I would have given up after some of the initial nastiness that she had to deal with realitors. What a nightmare. Anyways, the place sounds fantastic, and I'll be taking care of the paperwork while I'm in Diego, doing what I'm doing here. And what am I doing here friends? I will tell you what I'm doing here. TOMORROW! (dun dun duuuuunnnnn!)