August 30, 2006

I've decided to show this poster in honor of PJB, who so graciously is bestowing her presence in the fine city of Anacortes for the weekend. I am so very appreciative.
Here's to you baby, you're the best.

Can't wait to see you tomorrow.

August 28, 2006

Everybody's workin for the weekend

Quite a few highlights of the "extended" weekend for the FASO crew. We had no class friday because of the command picnic, so of course it was ON. Like Donkey Kong.

The afternoon started with getting pumped up before the nights festivities, so like any rational male, we decided to drink and lift weights. On Nick's deck. Talk about ridiculous. We followed that up with a walk to my house for some Polish Blowout and fun dancing. Nick unfortunately decided to take a nap on the couch, which ultimately led to a fine T-bagging. I have no problems taking the glory for that. It was my pleasure.

80's party, yet again. This time more people were able to go, and we came with more 80's garb. I decided on a pair of blue and white flash pants(if that's what you call them) and a wilson's tennis zip up. I must say I was a bit flash dance. I was thoroughly impressed by the crew's dress as well. We came to rock, and rock is what we did. Nice work peeps.

And yet again, friday was broughten. There was the FASO picnic with large amounts of pork and a small amount of Tug O War. As the anchor of the team, I brought our team 2 wins against a brawny enlisted squad. What can I say, I eat me spinach.

Friday night at the brown, enough said. I had a blast which is all you need to know. Oh and Josh had over a 200 dollar bar tab. What a shot whore. We love him for it.

Saturday was recovery followed by the Prowler ball, which was an enormous amount of fun. The theme was SNL and each squadron had their own booth where they served drinks and jello shots gallor. The coolest things I saw was a flip cup table and an actual river of alcohol. How amazing. If I hadn't realized it yet, I am going to like the Prowler community. Still in our chokers, we took the party to the Brown. And we did.

6 AM I get woken up by Eric yelling for me to get my drooling mug ready for some deep sea fishing. Somewhat startled, I then get confused to find myself with my uniform still on and laying sideways on top of Candice's bed. I surmise at that time it was too hard to climb a few flight of stairs to my room. My instincts also told me that Candice wasn't coming home that night, so why not take that ticket of convenience?

Back to the 6 AM, we somehow got me out of the house and over to the marina, only to realize that we didn't have our fishing licenses, beer, or check books to pay the man. The man himself wasn't even ready to go, so we opted out of the charter, and retired back to our abodes. I enjoyed my own bed this time. Later Sunday we hung out over the Compound(Eric, Marcus and Will's house) for a freezing swim to the buoy and back, and some crabbing. We saw a seal, the neighborhood dog(PJB seems to think it's a Retriever/Chow mix) and Waiting on DVD(my first time, laugh attack city). The conclusion of a fine weekend, yet again.

This place does not disappoint. Which is perfect because neither do I. What a fab duo.

Speaking of, heard that PJB maybe coming a day earlier. What delight. I'm already exciting she's coming on Thursday. I have so much to do, so little time. I pray I don't miss anything.

I plan on doing another entry before the coming of the most fabulous person in my world. After that, probably not again until Wednesday. Chao.

August 21, 2006

Better late than never I always say...

Here's some pics that I had taken over the past few days, starting in reverse back to thursday . I never did get any pictures from the 80's party in Bellingham, but I would say I got most of the highlights of the weekend.

Monday(today): Biking Cranberry Lake with Nick and Eric.

Saturday night: The Brown Lantern, where roomy Candice was a riot. And Eric too.

Saturday: Hiked up the Northern Cascades, we got to see Doubtful Lake. There were many other trails in the area, so we'll be coming back again. Don't you worry your little head.

some of the scenery from the northern cascades. This really was a treat of a trip.

Friday night and Sat. morning: The campsite had a river along it, the (King) Salmon were huge! Another type of Samon is going in season soon and I've just got my fishing liscense. What timing...

Thursday day: 2nd time biking Cranberry Lake area. In trying a different route, we got lost in eastern anacortes... We eventually got back, and ended up biking for 2 hours. Too much fun though.

So far, this area is kicking butt and I'm having a super time. Unfortunately I can't share it with my best friend. I feel like I'm always missing something(or someone) in every event here. The slight sensation of emptiness in everything fun I do does not sit well with me.

However, there is something that is beneficial about having a distance relationship. When I do eventually see her, it will be like the first time again. It will be soooo glorious. Making every minute apart that much more worth it. That's what I'm looking forward to. Until then...

I hope this weather lasts through Labor day and beyond. Goodnight.

August 11, 2006

Oh boy...

To begin my fabulous weekend, last night a group of us guys went to an "80's night" bar in Bellingham, about 45 minutes from Anacortes. I, of course was in my 80's best, or planned on it. However, nobody else was. Made for a bit of dissapointment of the parts of my fellow party animals. Regardless, we had a Rad time for sure. Bellingham has a really nice night life, and the drunk food after the bar is something fantastic. Last month I went with some other friends and we ended up eating at a greek eatery, really is the only way I can describe it. Their specialty was their pita wraps, and you could get a variety of delisciousness, such as gyros and babaganush(I murdered that word). Last night I had steamed perogies, which were smaller than normal(1/2 size) and came in meat or potatoes. They put some cajun seasoning on it and a piece of bread, and you were able to put some oil and salt on it as well. I just had to have an order of each, and it made my belly so so happy. I was very proud.

This weekend shall be epic and memorable for sure. Saturday is Will, Marcus and new roomate Eric house warming party part deux. It may be better than the first, I just don't know. I am going to try to fill up the rest of the weekend with stuff that doesn't involve ingesting large quantities of liquid courage. That will be the trick, and I will report right back when I figure it out.

Until the weekend review... tootles!

August 7, 2006

Another Doooozy

Once again, this fair city of Anacortes has bestowed upon me another barn burner weekend. One that I made an almost sad recovery from. I consumed enough alcohol to kill a family of short Asians, or one tiny Mexican baby. Not so good. I seemed to have misplaced my keys and my sunglasses, that latter of which I swore to the UV god that I would keep in my possession for the remainder of my being. Being faulty on my word, I've been banished from the 4H club(the UV god is a committee member). With my tail betwixt my leggins, I scamper to the dwelling known as Skyline to write my next blogg. What nerve.

Friday I went wakeboarding and then we had our promotion party at the Brown Lantern, which I totally rocked. Reason being I remembered that cameras can be fun at gala events. To describe the event is quite a treat for myself AND yourself if there's pics involved. The BL got an extention on it's bar, and I was asked to take pics of that as well. They will be posted on myspace in time. The newly appointed JG's dropped 200 bucks a piece, making my nite of drinking quite free, and well, more than tolerable.

The next day I fail to get myself a desk from a local thrift shop, and instead attend the arts festival downtown. It had great food(for me, a potsticker combo and a corn on the cob) and I was thoroughly satisfied. Johny G., Justin H., Matty K. and Billy S.(that's me!) all went across the street and saw Talladega Nights staring Will D.(D for Destroyer) Farrell. It was hillary. constant laughing from the majority of the people in the theatre, and I saw some great previews for 4 movies that I think are must sees. To mention one, Employee of the month with Dane Cook. I think he is funny to begin with, so this movie will be on my priority list(not the same list with my sunglasses). After the movie, Johny G. and I meet up with the boys of the BL and had another ridiculous night, traversing to a squadron JO's house(Jimmy) where I decided to loose my previously stated personal items. I wake up the next day in a bed made of box wrapping paper(for moving boxes) over my next door neighbors house. A fun night, just I wish I was conscious enough to remember to not leave keys and sun glasses at Jimmy's house. You live and you learn I suppose.

Sunday was recovery, and then a nice bbq over another neighbors, Justin and Nick's (they are brothers, and gentlemen as well). A very easy Sunday afternoon, just what I needed. I had a wee bit of time to study for my test today.... which I rocked. Waiting for....

Fantastic, the movers are here to pick up the boxes. Enjoy the pics!
(From top left to bottom right)
1. Thumbs up from an old drunken sailor
2. The main section of the bar, it was PACKED
3. Eric and I showing off Aaron's pearly whites. It looks like he stole my dentures.
4. Jeremy, Jeremy's AUNT, myself and Aaron. Jeremy had to work while we reaped the benefits.
5. There you are Angie.
6. Marcus, Chris and Matt. Chris's wife couldn't satisfy his need for chocolate love.
7. Marcus, Shawn, and Christine. Rock stars.
8. Amy came to visit Anthony, again!
9. Nick and Ed(Bruce) Lee. Nick looks more asain drunk in the picture.

August 3, 2006

School is cool

Today I had my first day of class. It wasn't eye opening, but I think that a few things were emphasized for my career. The class isn't hard, nor is it long. The material is dry, but that's nothing new for my aviation training. What struck me as different than before is that what I'm learning has a great deal of importance. Not in my own performance, but for the interests of the nation. It is hard to get into greater detail, simply because there isn't much that this public blogg is privy to. THAT'S WHAT I MEAN. It it's important enough to have to open the door of the building with finger identification, and my classroom with a combination, AND my own learning material from a safe, then I think that confidentiality is deserved. Any true American will agree.

Other than that my day was pretty normy. I've discovered some new fat reserves in my abdominal area. I will try to mine these deposits at the gym on a daily basis. What can I say, I'm greedy like the Scrooge.

Yesterday Matt(Psuedo roomy) and I went northeast to the Bellingham area to hike Mt. Baker. I imagine the views I saw to be somewhat like Holland. One of the most beautiful hikes I've been on to date. A lush forrest with patches of clearing that were covered in wild flowers. There was a soft and steady hum from the number of bees that foraged the expanse of fields. There was some snow patches at the top of the hill, and Matt and I took turns making snowballs and chucking them over the mountain side. The cloud bottoms were slightly lower than the elevation of the mountain(5,500 feet where we were) and to be engulfed in the white puffies was an experience in itself.

The ride back was long, we stopped in a local restaurant that had some really good food(and dessert). I had a spicy pasta with beef tenderloin, capicolla, spinach, tomato, mozzarella, shallots, and some other stuff that blew my mind. A great dinner to end a tremendous day.

It looks like things are coming along nicely. Tomorrow there is a "wetting down" party at the Green Lantern. The term means promotion, as there are 4 of my compadres that are getting O-2. This means they are all chipping in so I drink for free. A great concept until Saturday morning of course. We will see where this swaray takes us.

Until tomorrow. Tootles!

oh, and bless your heart.

August 2, 2006

My wonderful weekend in Florida

I don't have a whole lot of time at the moment, but I'd like to quick recap on my fab week in P-cola.

1. My parents stopped by on their way home from my aunt's house on tuesday and wednesday(on their way to my sister's house in Clearwater). It was great to see them.

2. I got to go out on the boat, which I've coined(Steph's mom approved): The Pink Honey

3. Golfing with Dr. Bob Frank. He's a fantastic instructor, yet his golfing... he's good though.

4. Winging ceremony/party. I don't dissapoint(see pictures 1-3 below)

5. A fundraiser for cherity party that Steph was in charge of decorations. She went above and beyond in my opinion. The auction was fun, the food was delish and the comedian was a southern speaking asian. Odd to listen to and also quite funny. (See last 3 pics)

6. Pirates of the Carribean part 2 and Moulan Rouge with my dear PJB.

7. A fab dinner over Nikki and Jeremy's. The dogs were our entertainment(All 6 of them, though only 3 were theirs). Nikki's 2 new dogs are mini chiwawas. Bless their hearts.

8. I love my PJB.

That's the highlights. My school starts tomorrow. Soooooooo..... goodnight.