September 28, 2006

Hello there stranger

Been a while since I've blogged. Usually that means lots has happened since the latter. Quite right.

This past weekend I took the long trek from west to east coast U.S of A. Let me tell you, that was about as fun as a root canal. I got to sit next to a fat man on the second leg, which meant that the arm rest was retracted in order to make room for his more than healthy eating habit. Bless his heart. Actually his disregard for restraint turned out a blessing in disguise, as at one point I used his large mass as a pillow for my bottom, which was actually very toasty. Thank you very large man for your contribution.

It was good to see Steph at the airport, as always. She is an angel in my eyes, and brightens up my life in so many ways. I can't thank her enough for joining me for the fabulous weekend.

Stephen and Kendra's wedding went without a hitch, and we all had quite a deal of fun. There was much dancing and great music, the band was fab. We all eventually went back to Stephen's and Kendra's house for an after reception party. More band and booze, two things we all love. Then, time to rack out, so I pulled the drunken boy off our air matress, dismissed his spittle on the babe's pillow, and called it a night.

Saturday was spent in Boston, which was terrific. Mike and his g/f took us on a tour of Boston, hitting up the many highlighted areas of interest(quincy market, the shopping district and little Italy). Then Michael had a bbq with many of our fraternity boys present. Steph and I had a few moments of qt, and then I preceded to get drizzunk and had glorious moments of triumph with the boys. PJB tells updates me on the parts I forgot: I was a silly man. I agree. Just like old times.

Sunday was a looooooong day of traveling, not much else. I missed my fine lady as soon as she was out of kissing radius. I was burnt out and ended up passing out after a fruitless effort of studying on base.

The current week was full of sickness and studies, both of which I detest. Tonight shall be a night of bummin and possibly brew making. We'll just see about that.

Looking forward to an interesting weekend as always. Possibly burlingham for the REI garage sale. Maybe some Thai food. Definately a pizza from the Pizza factory in like 10 minutes. Delish.

Fair winds and steady sails...

September 15, 2006

The Good Times are Killing Me

I've decided to use the title of a Modest Mouse song as the header for my blog. It basically represents the last few weeks of my time here in A-town. The group of friends I've made here are really tight, and there are rarely times where we broke up for any nightly event. The only problem with that is, they also have a taste in late night partying and excessive drinking. This stems from the fact that we all are people who love to go "BIG". A bunch of type A personalities that get along, which makes us a hard group to defeat when we get rolling.

Which brings up my point that I've been partying like a rockstar for about 50% or more of the nights I've been here. Not that it's a bad thing, just it's wearing me out. The quizes and tests are starting to get more frequent in my schooling(a quiz every day, and test days include a quiz as well), and it's not like the material is hard to memorize but it's still route memorization and it the material builds on itself.
A quote from Snatch: "You're on thin F*cking ice there Turkish, and I will be under it when it breaks." So far I'm still on top. We'll see how far this lasts before I need to get off(or even out of) the ice.

Another note, I'm pretty excited about the wedding. PJB has been making the preps, and been doing a heck of a job too. I'm very proud of her. It will be nice when it's all said and done and I get to tell her congrats on a day to day basis, IN PERSON. I miss my PJB.

This weekend should be like no other, the main reason being we're headed to Oak Harbor for the night, which some of us swore off before even stepping one foot in the nightlife down there. I say, give it one chance before you agree that Oak Harbor is no place for a Junior Officer. Skeptisism is such a depressing trait sometimes. Why not be more adventurous and make life more interesting? I guess the reason you don't is because you're boring and a tool bag and don't need to hang with our group and poop on the party.

But I know I'm preaching to the choir, my loyal fans out there ;)

Rest of the weekend:
1. trying to volunteer at the humane society. scheduled for Sat.
2. Brew beer and then Movie night? Sat.
3. Sunday, End of summer party @ bartender Jeremy's house.
4. Salsa dancing lessons in Oak Harbor sunday afternoon. followed by studying on base(fun)

Again, should be a good weekend.