July 23, 2006

Weekend Review

So before I begin my summary, I tried to put my pictures from my camera onto the computer. I don't know why, but I thought that my camera had a fire wire connection. That would be some camera. The crappy thing about it, is I cannot find the connector for the computer. Therefore, today there shall be no pictures to share with you fellow patrons. My apologies to you and your family.

Friday 3PM: Brewed my beer. I took a look at it yesterday, and the fermentation process has occurred. This is a good thing. I also feel that it should be ready to bottle tomorrow. Also a good thing, since I'll be leaving on a place for P-cola, and the next possible time to get to it would be next week. Tomorrow will be a busy day indeed.

Friday 6PM: The pub tour was post poned due to weather. It was just too nice out in Anacortes to drink beer and walk outside. Actually, it was rescheduled to an undetermined date and time due to a lack of desire and time. Myself included. Sometimes planning your alcoholic intake can be too stressful. The would be group of crawlers decided instead to hang out at our favorite Ana establishment, the Brown Lantern. A good time was had indeed. Many gross shots and drinks later, myself and my flight school friend Nick decide to go to an instructors house for free booze. Possibly a dumb decision, the jury is still out. You see, I had what my dear brother Eric and I like to call, a "Systems Failure," or a black out. The last thing that I do remember is parading around the house double fisting PBRs(Paps Blue Ribbon beer- a Massachusetts treat). Systems failure in this situation was probably the wrong decision on my part, since I will soon get to know these instructors and I probably did something stupid at the man's house. I also left my last pair of aviators at their house(Boooo). The next morning, I wake up on my bed with my contacts out but my clothes/shoes still on. Interesting, and come to find out my bathroom counter top was were I decided to place my contact lenses. Sometimes I wonder how I can get so ingenious when I drink. I feel it shall remain a mystery.

Sat, 4PM: Waterski and Wakeboard with my current roommate Matt, in a boat that my friend Anthony owns. Good wholesome fun, and a good way to work my hangover off. Mad props to Anthony, he's a gentleman and a scholar.

Sat, 8PM: House warming party at Marcus and Will's place near deception pass. I thought the view couldn't get any better than my house. Their house took it to another level. A fantastic view and their property is waterside, so they can wake up in the morning and walk to their back yard to go crabbing. There party was INSANE, with fine foods(fresh caught crabs and Will's pulled pork) and fine beverages. It was thankfully not a "Systems Failure", although there was much gallivanting and silly drunken behavior.

5. Sunday: Recovery, funny stories from last night and soreness from the water sports on the lake. Bartender Jeremy and I throw around the idea to go cliff jumping, it was eventually thrown out the window, and replaced with the movie Warrior. A good Asian flick, I recommend. I also cooked the delish Polish Blowout for myself and Matt. Mighty going in, and should be coming out. I cannot wait.

I hope this read isn't too unbearable, it feels a little like a "dear diary" entry. This weekend was strenuous on my body, so to speak I have one foot between my bed sheets right now. I dream of a fine lady that will be in my arms in a little over 33 hours.

Goodnight you.

July 21, 2006

Sir, sir, If I could just have a minute of your time please...

Ok, It's been a month, I know. Tooooo long. Well I have past the point of caring about describing everything that's happened to me since my last entry, so I will point you in the right direction. PJB's blog has everything that's happened to me since July 6th until July 11th. Plus she does a better job than I.

I will also have to appologize for the fact that I had written this blog one hour earlier than this post and I lost it trying to do a spell check. So again, to clarify: Apologize for the spelling, apologize for the lack of post. Now that that's settled...

Quick recap prior to shmoopy poopy time with pjb:
1. SERE school
2. Palm Springs - Gay fabulous, too hot(110 daily average), gorgeous
3. NAS Lemoore for centrefuge - "G measels", brused legs, feel like crud
4. Same day drive to San Jose - Uncle Bill and Aunt Kate visit, been 6 years why did I wait so long? Amazing people. Obtain 3 blues CD's from Uncle Bill's bands.
5. Same day drive to San Fran for shmoopy poopy time.

Since my love left North West America:
1. Anacortes is awsome
2. This house is amazing: Paradise view, fruit trees, dumb weighter(fun)
3. Washington State National Park(part of house view, nice trails to best views)
4. Commercial Avenue bars: Brown Lantern(YES!), Watertown(OH NO!)
5. NAS Whidbey Island: drive to work(amazing), PSD(not amazing)

Unfortunately They moved my class up date to the 3rd of August so I cannot attend Mr. Boyd's batchelor party. Bright side is the school is very flexible with leave so I will be attending his and Kendra's wedding in September. Boo Yah! I am also attending P-cola for the duration of next week, things to come:
1. more schoopy time
2. fishing
3. Justin and Jeff's winging
4. back rubs
5. happy endings?

1. Home depot - create a cooling device for wort
2. Brew beer - German Cherry Wheat beer, the "Triple W" or the "Welcome to Washington Wheat"
3. Pub crawl - Eric and I developed the first possible of it's kind. 10 stops: 1 bowling alley, 5 restaurants, 4 bars. I call it "Crawing for Water" (Last bar is Watertown)

1. Potato Salad - oh you know
2. Will and Marcus's house warming party - nutzes

Sunday - more blogger love?

Now I big you adeu.