February 20, 2007

Looking forward

Did some real cool stuff past few days.

1. Blog. like Log, everyone loves a Blog.
2. Test taking abilities. Although never really got better, my study skills did. I obtained a nice grade on a hard test today. It's awsome.
3. Working out from habit. Like where this is going, people have been pointing out that I'm now a "light weight". Ummmm, ok.
4. Whistler. You'll get some pictures, don't worry. And no, I didn't go to ski/snowboard, I was there to rock and roll.
5. Biking. Last week. Got a great pic of the view that day.
6. Studied. Not cool, but productive. And that in itself is cool.
7. SF-0. My first back seat flight in the Prowler. Got a little queezy but it was hella-fun.

Looking forward to a few things:

1. Posting pics. They say a thousand words you know...
2. Baby girl is coming!!!! Less than a week. So so excited.
3. Possible Opera this Sunday.
4. Back seat flights.
5. Knowing my aircraft. Knowledge is powa!
6. More workouts. Addicted to the burn...
7. Babies!!! For almost a full month!!!

MMMMM good.

February 5, 2007

PC load letter?

I just spent the last two hours trying to change the format of my blog so It had larger boarders for text, pics, ect. Now it looks like, well like before I edited it.


On another note, I found out today Zach and I will be getting squashed through the last of our NT's in less than time allotted so we can make Fam/Nav classes on Monday. How awsome is that? Not as awsome as the picture to your left.

Looking forward to a week filled with double fisting.... just not beers.

February 4, 2007

Rough times at Oak Harbor

These are the pictures from my most fabulous Saturday so far in this month of February. My weekend technically started on Wed. night as my sim partner and I found out we had nothing to do on Thursday. Very relaxing to hear when you've been working your butt off the past few months. I got to hang out with some friends on Wed. and do a little catchup and the ol' Brown. I need to mention at this point that the week has been sunny and mid forties. This is unheard of in the NW. So I most definitely got my moneys worth in sun time. I've been training for a half marathon in April so my runs for the most part have been on treadmill. Luckily I got a chance to run around the beautiful Skagit county this week and it my friends, is what life is all about.

Back to the weekend. Thursday night turned into a long time coming 80's night. It certainly was a hoot and a hollar. I did enjoy my time, even when we were a group of three and I was the sober driver. We obtained some good pictures, you can check them out on myspace(me, Zach, and Robyn). Friday was a lazy day, Zach and I just hung out and enjoyed the view of skyline and some delish chicken pasta and then battlefront dos. A nice relaxing day.

Sat morning came quick, and I barely made in on our boat for the fishing trip we planned for 6 months now. We took a nice little charter with our fond acquaintance, "The Salmonator". He took us out right beyond skyline and then we began trolling on three reels, with a depth at around 100 fathoms give or take. Don't I sound like a fisherman now? We ended up keeping 4 out of the 6 we caught, and we had 2 others that got away from our poor performance in reeling. Poor Shaun came up short in the group and didn't get himself a fish. You can see him above drowning his sorrows in more than one cocktail. This leads me into Sat night, as we started a bit earlier than most. While taking a nap after the fishing adventure, the rest of the group went to the Brown L. and began ordering drinks(tap ended up being 21 jueger bombs and an odd assortment of other drinks creating a +200$ bill). Silly boys. If you think I miss this extravaganza, you guessed wrong friend. I did get to take part in that 21st shot in the mix. The boys now are slurring and very loud, and I am very hungry so I pull them away from Brown to the El Jinette for some quesadillas(mmmm). Unfortunately nothing changed and they continued to order a butt load of drinks. Luckily I am pleasantly surprised(not really, we coordinated) by Johnny G. for some food and convo. When we finally have our fill of mexican fiesta, it's time to back to the Brown for a pitcher and then a short walk to the Watertown for a live band and fun/frivolity that ensues.

After a few hours of dancing and carrying on, it's just Nick and I(The other boys had callings elsewhere) and the time is only 1130! We are extremely tired and want to go home. As we look around we realize that nobody else wants to leave since it's only 1130 and we both agree that it was quite a day and time to put it in the history books. We call up a cab and head home, ending a great day even for a seasoned man such as myself.

Sunday was an early morning for my SDO turnover. Then I wait for Nick to wake up so I can get my car and go workout before the SUPABOWL. Marcus' house was a gala event like usual and a great turnout. Shaun was up early too cookin some of his delish bbq(my fingers still smell like it). Did my barracks inspection and called it a night. Let's not forget about my qt with the baby. Which I am about to have a bit more right now.

Forecast calls for gloom and a week that I have no idea what will happen to my sim partner and I. We became super behind in the push to get us to FAM/NAV because of our days off, so who knows eh? We shall see......

Goodnight and good luck.